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Social insurance law

Labour law is strictly associated with the field of social insurance. Therefore, our law firm provides comprehensive legal assistance in matters related to this field of law.

We have extensive experience in the representation of both payers and the insured in proceedings before the Social Insurance Institution, as well as appeals against decisions of the Social Insurance Institution regarding, among others:

  • arrangements on being subject to social security;
  • determining the initial capital;
  • refusal to grant the right to a pension and other social security benefits, including benefits and pensions;
  • benefits size (pensions, benefits).

In each case, our Law Firm presents an assessment of the case and helps to make the appropriate decisions about how to proceed. Our Law Firm prepares recommendations on the strategy for the proceedings, pleadings and also provides professional representation before the courts or the Social Insurance Institution.



Czyżowski Żukowski
Law Office
4a Sierakowskiego Street
Office no. 34
03-712 Warsaw

+48 22 412 28 82
Law office's working hours: 
9:30 - 16:30

NIP: 525-246-53-10
REGON: 142049654
KRS: 0000338874
Account number (ING Bank Śląski):
61 1050 1025 1000 0092 0693 8582

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